It's always fun - and weird - to see kids about once a year or so growing so incredibly fast through the lens of my camera. That's what happens with the Snider kids.
I've taken the Snider family photos for several years now, almost always during the weekend of Thanksgiving. It's always nice to catch up with my former teacher and her family. And the kids are really sweet, even if they aren't all that excited about photos.
It's pretty common. I'm used to it. And luckily, they all photograph so well!
This year the temperature was incredibly cold, so we found a nice space on the stairs to use for staging. As a natural light photographer, this isn't an ideal setup for me. But, as a longtime professional used to unpredictable Indiana weather, I'm always ready to make the best of whatever the situation brings.
And luckily, I think these photos turned out great! With some natural light from windows and creative posing, we were able to capture everything we needed to. Another successful session for the Snider family!
I have to admit, I'm already looking forward to the next time!
Lots of love,