I've worked with so many seniors this year that I'm really feeling included in the Class of 2023!
Sierra is one of the lovely seniors I've been able to photograph this year, and she's just awesome! She is planning on staying in the central Indiana area for now, and possibly going into teaching! Congrats to her! We all know that is a rewarding but challenging career path, and that we can all do more to support our teachers, both those who have been at it for years and the newbies just starting off.
To celebrate her hard work, dedication, achievements, and milestones, we scheduled a super fun morning photo session at the JP Parker Flowers farm in Nineveh, Indiana. It's a DREAM location. All the flowers, all the greenery, all the feelings. It's a vibe that everyone wants for their photos, truly!
Sierra really wanted flowers and color, and I think we delivered! Sierra and her mom were both in love with the location, and I'm so happy with what we captured! I came home from this session with muddy shoes and a warm heart.
In fact, let me offer a special thanks to my friend Pam Parker for letting us shoot here! JP Parker Flowers is a very special business in the Indianapolis and Franklin areas, and Pam is one of the best people out there. She's created a special place for us to enjoy.
Good luck on everything coming your way, Sierra!
Lots of love,