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Farris Twins: Newborn Photos


Blog, say hi to my boys!

Carson and Jensen are three months old now, and I'm just getting around to sharing their newborn photos. I will admit...I'm not a newborn photographer. I don't have the time or the supplies, and you really have to treat newborn photography with special care. It's hard work!

These were taken on blankets in my living room with poor lighting. It was too hot to go outside (summer baby problems), and I was pretty much just wearing pajamas at this point anyway (because, you know, new mom + pandemic). So while these are not award-winning shots, I'm happy with them. And here's why:

I want to remember every moment with my babies, and I want every inch of them etched in my brain forever. The only way to do that, really, is to take photos. Never in my life has photography been more important.

These guys are the best. These photos were taken when they were about three weeks old and still in premie clothes (which my mom had to buy quickly because we were not prepared for premie babies). In just a few months they've changed so much, which makes me feel so much pride and heartbreak at the same time. They are starting to coo and giggle. Jensen was our fussy guy, but now he's all smiles. He loves to fake cry for attention, and he's so strong with tummy time and kicking and playing toys in his glider. Carson is often the more calm one and loves to cuddle. His favorite place to be is the bathtub. Both boys now sleep through most of the night and only wake up for one feed (hallelujah!). They bring us so much happiness every day as learn about them.

Shout out to all the twin moms out there! Life is crazy beautiful.


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Indianapolis, Indiana

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