With our recent move to Des Moines, I realized I would need to do something special to build up my business in a new market. I needed to connect with families quickly, but also sincerely. I wanted people to see my work, to meet me, and to genuinely want to work with me, so I had an idea!
I posted an ad on Facebook asking for four families to give me 15 minutes of their time, and I'd give them a couple of great family pictures! Within 48 hours, I had all my sign-up slots filled, which blew my mind! On that hot June Saturday, I met four families who were awesome - fun to talk to, so nice, and overall wonderful human beings. One had a BRAND NEW newborn baby. Another couple just learned they are expecting another child soon. Many of the kids told me jokes and stories. I consider myself very lucky to be in a community full of so many cool people!
Here are just a few of the pictures that came from that day:

I want to thank these families for coming out to meet me that day. They took a chance on me and my talents, and I hope they know how much I appreciate that!
Families, couples, and individuals in Iowa, I'm ready to meet you! I hope we can work together soon to learn about each other, have fun, and document all that is good in our lives! Contact me here.