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Lee: Family Photos

I'm finally getting to post this awesome family's photos on the blog! I've been so busy, but these guys definitely deserve a shout-out.

First, meet Prisca and Trent. I didn't realize this, but we are all LDS (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Small World.

Prisca and Trent have three super cute kids. They are easy to talk to. I loved asking the girls about their favorite princesses and getting them to smile and twirl. And their brother - he just loved music and playing with his dad. So cute!

We did have some weather issues. The rain held us back from really utilizing Southeastway Park to the fullest extent. For the most part, we had to stay under a shelter. We did meet up a second time to get some additional family shots, though. It's like I always say - we just do what we can with what we have.

Lee family, thanks for working with me. And congratulations on the upcoming arrival of baby #4!

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